Regulation 25 Visits to Residential Family Centres
Aidhour is a social enterprise that provides skilled and experienced associates for a range of work, including regulation 25 independent visits to residential family centres. We have a proven track record of supporting services that we visit to achieve and sustain improvements in their Ofsted gradings.
Contracting with Aidhour for independent visits gives a range of benefits, including:
A robust understanding of safeguarding practice and legislation,
A commitment to consulting with children and families about the support they receive.
Genuine independence and an ability to benchmark best practice and to support service improvements based on practice observed elsewhere as well as the use of research.
Robust internally quality assured reports using an established template aligned with the Residential Family Centre Regulations and National Minimum Standards.
High calibre associates who have been employed in roles such as regulatory inspectors, senior managers and registered managers, and who are experienced and confident in undertaking parenting assessments and regulatory visits.
The ability to cover visits at short notice and provide bespoke support through our team of associates, guaranteeing a visit each month.
A competitive fee.
The option for a managed service via our lead associate, who is an experienced regulation 25 visitor for an ‘outstanding’ residential family centre. This can include provision of quarterly reports which identify themes, strengths and vulnerabilities; these can be used for monitoring and governance processes.
The option to provide bespoke additional quality assurance services, such as preparation for inspection, troubleshooting and file auditing.
Sample CVs and anonymised reports are available upon request.